Thursday, December 20, 2007

Welcome Lord Vader!

Well here he is...
After years of disagreeing on which type of dog to bring into our home, we finally found one that we all like. We just brought him home last night. At 10 weeks old, he is already a buster! I actually think he is bigger than my two year old. He is a Cane Corso, pronounced Ka-nay, and is basically an Italian Mastiff. Just wanted to share some photos of him with everyone. We sure think he is a cutie!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

We all took a long drive to Cincinnati to celebrate my mom's 70th birthday. It was not a long enough visit...went by way too quickly. However, it was great seeing everyone and we hope to get back soon. I took my camera with me, but somehow didn't seem to get any pics....this is my neice, Emily along with my daughter, Searra at my mom's party.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

God Bless Big Families

Thanksgiving was a great time. A visit from my sistergirl, brother-in-law, and my nieces and nephews, turned into a great photo op. Thanks guys! Love ya!

First Offical Shoot

Kim and John were very cooperative with it being my first shoot. I did this shoot in October and I'm pleased to say that baby Dub was born on November 26 ...4 weeks early, but healthy and, finally, home from the hospital. Stay tuned for his pics.


Allison was a great model...having a background in photography herself, we spent our time bouncing things off each other...


I am in the early stages of getting my business up and running and was encouraged to have something on the web, so I started this blog. Here are some pics of a couple's shoot I did in early November...